Gobby was delighted when, on finally reaching the big 4 - 0 the Regulars were there to celebrate with her exactly in the style she had hoped for down the Local.

As the evening wore on reinforcements arrived; slightly the worse for wear themselves but nevertheless very welcome.

Gobby was reassured to know that Billy Idle would always be there to protect her in life unless utterly terrified by birthday cakes.

Although she was not wholly convinced that Marlene's best wishes on delivering said cake were entirely sincere.

As Gobby proceeded to cut the cake Ol' Blue Eyes exclaimed with horror,
"You're letting her have a knife?!"
To which Billy countered,
"They don't call her the Barton slasher for nothing,"
Adding ,
"And not just when she p*sses herself!"
This was followed by calls of,
However when Gobby reminded them,
"But when am I not making a speech?"
The Regulars consulted amongst themselves and reconsidered deciding,
Ok, then, try a silence!
And as the cake was divided and devoured Ol' Blue Eyes proclaimed,
"Don't even pretend you can't swallow that!"

And Gobby devised an invention worth of the Dragons' Den for keeping your tits perky past 40.

As with any new invention, however, there would always be drawbacks as Gobby discovered declaring,
"I need to go to the toilet but I'm not sure I'll get my balloons in there."
To which Jordan lamented,
"I have that trouble every night!"
And weighing up Gobby's invention added,
"I think I would need bigger balloons."
More to the point Gobby pointed out,
"I think we would need a bigger pub!"
Finally, as the evening drew to a close, just when one would have failed to believe the merriment could be surpassed, Billy and Marlene decidedly took theis to the next level with their Karate Kid tribute to round off the perfect celebration.