Monday, 13 July 2015

Bright Lights

The Regulars decided, on seeing Hamish's latest home adornment, that Kirstie Allsopp had little rivalry to worry about on the home decor front.

The Strypes

If you wanna be in my gang...

Then 'CHECK' out what occurred a few weeks later:

Handing it to You

During a busy night down the Local and unable to hear the conversation from the far end of the table, Gobby somewhat indignantly misinterpreted Billy Idle's hand gesture:

Declaring,"I thought that was my a***hole!!"

The Regulars soon put her straight declaring,

"No, he's still sitting right here."

Point of View

Whilst Gobby was delighted Billy Idle had taken to warmly to the new additions to the family, she did have to insist that there is a line and, they don't actually want to 'come in and watch the rugby'.

Somewhat surprised that he needed to ask why she went on to remind him,

"Because they're CHICKENS".

And, as they pointed out to her, It's not like France were even playing.

Thinking outside the Box

As the Sky man, whilst installing a new box downstairs and relocating the old one upstairs casually uttered the words:

"I had to reset your old box so all your recordings are gone".

Gobby felt this was one message that should definitely be relayed to Billy Idle in his workplace, from a distance and with some hours' absorption and processing time.

And, after all, it shouldn't take him long to fill the additional new 2 terabytes and resume 'normal' proceedings.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Bringing up the Rear

Billy Idle and Gobby made a slightly tardy entrance to the Local, Gobby, to Billy's annoyance, having been fascinatingly waylaid by the potential outcome of the progress of the seven snails she had stopped to observe at the end of their road.


Tattoo pointed out:

"I bet Ol' blue Eyes had £3.00 on one of them."

As Billy had berated Gobby for lost time and route marched her the rest of the way to the Local he declared he had discovered a new event in which she would excel:

The 200 yard ****ing noise.

Saturday, 11 July 2015


 Despite, during a momentary lapse of concentration having placed a largely incorrect selection of tablets into Billy Idle's pillbox, missing out a few inherently vital to his survival, Gobby, on being questioned, insisted that she was in no way actually trying to kill him.