After an arduous morning's harvesting:

The Regulars wheeled their mighty produce to the judging ground to be joined by several new friends such as The Wurzels plus a 'Kim & Taren' that nobody could actually remember inviting.
But they all soon became firm friends with welcoming banter along the lines of:
"I love your novelty west-country accent!"
"Thanks, I'm from Bristol."
After anxious final preparation:
The specimens and owners lined up in the show ring:

And at least one of the Regulars entered into the Carrotfest spirit:
Everyone agreed there were some prize entries to be had:
Although some could have done with a dose of Miracle-gro. Or maybe just a miracle.
There was a distinct pride amongst the competitors:
The guest judge was meticulous:
Demanding from Tattoo,
"Can I have your length and girth again, please."
After the intense competition the Regulars had gone to town on carrot-based treats:
Then, with no expense spared, the winners of each category were revealed:
Billy Idle was delighted to win the 'Best Colour' category.
Apparently it was orange.
Despite fierce protestations from Gobby the visiting guest judge declared:
"I can't cope with the vagina so two legs willy and a bum wins."
And finally, Spudgirl was crowned overall winner proving her to really be the Queen of Vegetables.
Base pagan festivities were to follow long into the night:
Although some festival-goers were less keen to duet than others.
And after a day of unparallelled earthy joyfulness and fun, only a year to wait until:
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