She was even more delighted on realising that, without them, the rest of the guests would have inevitably starved to death leading her to wonder quite what she could do in order to get Billy Idle to follow instructions if all her efforts had still been insufficient this time:

She was, however, considerably less delighted with the gifts they had borne as it had been some time since Billy had had his many previous alter egos, (who could forget Studyboy, and Supershag) but thanks to their generosity he had transformed into:
England Clown.

The Regulars were, nonetheless, very impressed with Billy's attempts to give his World Cup barbecue a real authentic flavour of the host nation,
2 vuvuzelas and a token African:

And it was lamentable that the England squad themselves were incapable of emulating such effort in their performance.
Much fun was had both watching the game:

and later down the Local where Rick Francis expressed his admiration for GEO Jen and the Space Cadet's lifelong love and devotion when on hearing they were approaching their 20 year anniversary, he was heard to declare,
"I've had 3 wives in that time!"
but on learning they had been married for a mere 13 of these he did reduce his estimate to:
"That's only 2 wives then."
After a fabulous beer-fuelled evening, somewhat predictably, little remained of England Clown the morning after:

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