Friday 1 May 2015

Master of None

After not missing a single episode and glued to the final, Gobby found it hard to shatter Billy Idle's delusion that, despite his truly astonishing repertoire of fried breakfast, pudding chips and beans and the seldom imitated 'Chip Bol', he was, notwithstanding, most probably not likely next year to be the second Masterchef champion from Oldham.

Snail Brain

Again Gobby despaired at Billy Idle's true lack of worldly knowledge.

As she was engaging the Regulars down the local with a fascinating insight into the world of molluscs, Billy made an untimely interruption demanding,

'Winkles and snails - how are they similar.?!'

Just for the record:

Go figure...

Box Clever (or not)

Tiring somewhat of the hype surrounding the  Mayweather - Pacquiao fight, the Regulars fondly remembered  the glory days of boxing.

One mused (and the jury is still out as to whether he can distinguish real life from fiction) that, back in the day,

"Rocky did alright - fighting Mr T. and that big Russian."


But, as Hamish felt the need to point out to him:

"Look what he's doing now.  Driving the Warburton's bread van."