Wednesday 16 March 2016


Gobby was delighted to catch Billy Idle in the act of mo-ing for the first time this year:


Having been obliged to knit a dozen novelty boiled egg cosies for Easter and now on somewhat of a roll, Gobby felt like upgrading to a tea cosy.

Merrily browsing online patterns, the cute little animal ones were particularly appealing.

Until she suddenly came across one that was either simply downright wrong, or had been devised by Hamish:

Tuesday 15 March 2016

Let Battle Commence

A thread that may run and run:

Chickens vs. Onions


£2.00 trellis from the Factory Shop - we'll see...


So far so good...


Not so successful -  Dolly gets in but can't get out.  Didn't see where she got in to make improvements.

As she can't get out - onion trampling panic.


Not a particularly good day:

Chickens 3 Onions 0

Saturday 12 March 2016

Stole (it's funny if you think about it long enough).

The moment Rupert realised he had been outscarved.

Life's a Gas

Planning some unseemly tasks involving gardening and chickens later that morning, Gobby felt no need for ablutions or to remove any traces of the previous day's gardening and beer combo and slipped down town for a few essential items to tackle the garden head-on.

Take heed and on such occasions DO NOT deviate from the mission, as Gobby should well have known. 

A brief diversion into charity shop mecca seemed harmless enough until she had to overstretch slightly to peruse the gardening book section. 

It was at that moment, as the small but significant escape of gas occurred, that Gobby shot a furtive glance around the shop for an easy target, only to realise that, when not even in the charity shop is there anyone more scummy than yourself, that there really is nowhere to hide.

A Long Yarn

Whilst using up the enforced council leave allocation (essentially not bothering to go at all for the entire month of March), Gobby decided to release the inner domestic goddess that was surreptitiously lurking below the generally slightly gardening and beer tainted exterior and, as befits the time of year, fully embrace a deep spring clean.

This proceeded extremely well for approximately 5 minutes.  Until the wanton and vigorous sweeping hoover strokes inadvertently sucked up a ball of wool complete with attached partially completed knitting project.

In slapstick comedy fashion, Gobby struggled and managed to retrieve the half-ball wedged in the sucking-hoover-mouth, (with hindsight, switching the hoover off first would have made this task distinctly easier)  then had to extract the remainder by pulling it in one continuous thread, about a quarter of a mile in length, rewinding the ball along the way.

Undertaking finally achieved (and hoover put safely back under the stairs, probably until next spring), Gobby surveyed the scene hoping the whole ball wouldn't be needed as the final few feet were not quite the colour and texture of the rest indicating they may have reached the 'bottom of the bag'.

The moral of this yarn being, if Gobby ever presents you with a lovingly hand-knitted gift, WASH IT FIRST!