Sunday 30 October 2016


As the Regulars eagerly looked forward to their next outing to see the Briggadears they struggled down the Local to come up with the logistically 'best-fit' solution concluding that, with concerted effort, Gobby would be able to fit between Billy and Hamish with, "Your arse here and your legs up."

At which point she did like to remind them,

"It's not a smear test - we're only going to Brigg!"


The Regulars had a splendid time cheering on England to watch them snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  

Even the camera shy ones.


As the regulars showed their support to 'Save Top Field' Hamish added he was particularly against the development as his street would become a 'cut-through'.

At least the regulars were almost sure that he said 'cut-through', for:

"C***s with noisy exhausts".

Yet again, only slight coaching needed for what to and not to put in writing to the council.


What do you buy the human sloth who has everything?

In Billy Idle's case his very own ROBOT MAN-CAVE HOOVER!!

Although, whilst lazing in bed while 'Ronnie' got to work, as horizontal viewing was repeatedly  disrupted by THUMP - WHIR, THUMP - WHIR, THUMP - WHIR and Gobby concluding, "He's got stuck again." Billy Idle proclaimed'

"Brilliant - so we've got another pet!"

Wednesday 26 October 2016

Trick or... Trick

All was not lost at a particularly low-scoring effort at pub quiz as Billy Idle did claim a magnificent seasonal spot prize.

Gleefully he announced how he would enjoy eating them through the window on Halloween whilst not giving anything to the local kids out trick or treating.

Somewhat as below: