Friday 14 March 2008


Towards the end of the working day Gobby pondered the text received from Spudgirl:

"Do you need any baking pots?"

Having witnessed the work in progress, and attractive skip in the front garden and the journey of trauma experienced by Spudgirl and Tubthumper through their kitchen renovation Gobby was pleased to be offered first refusal on Spudgirl's surplus kitchenware, keenly replying,

"I could have a look."

She was indeed a little unprepared by the somewhat terse nature of the reply from the customarily eternally cheerful most philanthropic all-welcoming ray of sunshine that the Regulars has come to know and love as Spudgirl:

"Well, it's up to you - just throw them away if not."

Tormented as to what she could have unwittingly done to evoke this wrath in one normally so meek and serene in demeanour Gobby frantically endeavoured to make amends adding,

"Or I could take them to the nearly new."

To which Spudgirl was lost for words and reduced to terms of derision amounting to,


Followed up by,


At this point Gobby became concerned that the true realisation of her lot in life since leaving the bright lights and white stilettos for the exile of the Shire had only just broken through the layers of denial.

All eventually became clear.

Unused to shorthand and such technical language as used in a F**CKING POTATO FACTORY it would seem that Gobby had committed a fatal error of abbreviation interpretation and, in fact, Spudgirl was not offering her a collection of redundant kitchen vessels and receptacles but, in reality, a free bag of BAKING POTATOES for Billy's tea.

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