Monday 2 June 2008

On the Scrapheap

As Billy Idle mourned the final demise of the Mighty Mondeo, complete with it's two spanking new tyres that served him well for a whole week, not to mention the AA's incomparable efficiency in returning him home safe and sound a mere 7 hours after he originally called in his breakdown on the way home from work and conveniently just in time for him to set off back again the next day, Gobby felt the least she could do would be to lend him her means of conveyance.

Ever concerned, she also warned Billy that there was only £10 worth of fuel therein which surely could not suffice for the long and arduous journey.

She should not have worried, however, as the ever conscientious Billy duly returned the favour by replacing the exact £10 worth of fuel for her at Doncaster services with just the remaining 33.2 miles home, bless him.

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