Tuesday 1 July 2008

On Call

For the first time since records began Hamish felt he may be able to hold down this particular job longer than it took to down a pint.

So much so that the Regulars were stunned as he placed not one but two mobile phones on the table of the Local one Friday evening (and not a fax machine in sight - see July 2006 "The Fax is the Future") lest his new place of employment could not manage without him even on a weekend when lesser men rested.

Imagine how stunned Hamish was when, whilst he irresponsibly left these unattended to respond to a pressing call of a different nature, both appliances burst into action somewhat worryingly calling him into work at 2 different times from two different numbers.

And imagine how gleeful Pocahontas and Spudgirl were as they ran gleefully up the road clutching their respective phones.

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