Wednesday 3 September 2008

The Plot Thickens...

Despite the allusions to conspiracy by the Regulars as to the dastardly kidnap of the Rupies it would seem that Gobby and Billy had been both too hasty to judge some and to trust others as it transpired that their babies were no longer in the country.

Indeed perchance they should have looked closer to home in their suspicions as further details began to emerge:

"Oh no its dark and we don't know where we are!! But we have managed to escape the evil clutches of the kidnapper!!"

"We tried to call for help but it's all Greek to us!!"

"The view from the room looks nice but it's too far to jump, we will have to bed down for the night!!"

"Things don't look good he's missing heather and desperate, who knows what he'll do.....
And look at the way I'm strewn on this chair!!"

"Looks like little Rupert is fairing slightly better, thank God it's not Garry Glitter!! Paul has offered a decent ransom of FIVE shekels no less!

After escaping from the scary clutches of Paul McCartney Big Rupert manages to find a bird -

"He says " she's so much better looking than Billy, I know who I want to sleep with.....
go home...
you must be kidding!"

Meanwhile Rupert Kidnapper considers how good a Rupies pie will taste.........................!!!!

In a rare moment of weakness the kidnapper thought about letting the Ruperts go home...............
unfortunately there was one small problem with the transport!!

Rupie tries to call home, but it seems he's not sure exactly where he is......Prague, Amsterdam.....who knows!!! Some strange Dutch porn star has propositioned me.....maybe I'll stick around.

"It seems that in order to secure safe transport home Rupert is having to resort to Brute strength to twist the drivers arm...............will he ever get home if he loses???????"

Not only was Gobby unconvinced that some of the ransom photos were genuine she was equally dubious as to that of Rupert Kidnapper himself:

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