Monday 12 September 2011

Parallel Universe

Hellrunner, after a night out on the town (well, Barton) awoke in a state of panic to the sounds of lawn mowing.

Believing this must be a sound barrier breaking mower from an abode further down the street, looking out of the window and seeing Gobby and Billy Idle engaged in antemeridian horticulture it was particularly fortunate that she was still in bed during her subsequent collapse.

Such was her state of shock that despite Billy's best efforts to convince her that, indeed, she must be mistaken and her watch, phone and every clock in the house could only be wrong and it was surely actually afternoon, and Gobby's cover-all solution of a 'nice cup of tea' could do nothing to assuage her trauma nor extract her from the belief that she had been sucked into a parallel universe in the Shire from which she may never emerge.

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