Saturday 12 March 2016

A Long Yarn

Whilst using up the enforced council leave allocation (essentially not bothering to go at all for the entire month of March), Gobby decided to release the inner domestic goddess that was surreptitiously lurking below the generally slightly gardening and beer tainted exterior and, as befits the time of year, fully embrace a deep spring clean.

This proceeded extremely well for approximately 5 minutes.  Until the wanton and vigorous sweeping hoover strokes inadvertently sucked up a ball of wool complete with attached partially completed knitting project.

In slapstick comedy fashion, Gobby struggled and managed to retrieve the half-ball wedged in the sucking-hoover-mouth, (with hindsight, switching the hoover off first would have made this task distinctly easier)  then had to extract the remainder by pulling it in one continuous thread, about a quarter of a mile in length, rewinding the ball along the way.

Undertaking finally achieved (and hoover put safely back under the stairs, probably until next spring), Gobby surveyed the scene hoping the whole ball wouldn't be needed as the final few feet were not quite the colour and texture of the rest indicating they may have reached the 'bottom of the bag'.

The moral of this yarn being, if Gobby ever presents you with a lovingly hand-knitted gift, WASH IT FIRST!

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