Monday 4 February 2008

Secret Passwords

Whilst avidly keeping abreast of the fast-paced world of Barton Lives Evil Twin was intrigued by last month's episode "Greater forces at Work" and the memories that ONION brought flooding back.

By her own admission:

"Having lapsed my Fatclub membership the minute I got into my frock and unable to go to the class and ask this:"

Evil Twin turned to the trustworthy, knowledgeable and infinitely dependable Regulars to see if they could shed light on her predicament, continuing:

"When I was there, the password was always something like:"


and I thought..... do they ever have passwords such as:

LARD.............BLACK PUDDING.............BIG MAC.................PORK SCRATCHINGS..............????


"If not, they should. We would remember them a whole lot better."

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