Sunday 5 July 2009

The Truth is Out There

The Dark Lord saw fit to use his supernatural powers to explain a recently observed phenomenon:

This may clarify a current thread on Barton Lives.

On Saturday we made one of our rare excursions out to the Sheaf and had a really good time - apart from the aliens who were busy getting "tanked up" at the bar. I was sorry not to see you there.

On speaking to Steve (AKA Tattoo) the conversation drifted to his Alien Encounter of recent times.
I asked him to describe what he saw and he related:

"I saw a glowing orange ball in the sky as I walked towards the Wheatsheaf."

I asked him if he was near the Market Place zebra crossing at the time but I can't print his response.
At his height things can be confusing: Please remember, he was once a lumberjack for Chesswood Mushrooms.

The Dark Lord
(The Only Goth in the Village)

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