Saturday 4 July 2009

Water Water Everywhere...

Always attentive to duty and not to mention the degree of guilt Gobby felt about having unreservedly forced the Regulars into full-blown horticulture consuming their every last minute and penny it was the very least she could do to water the Zone as instructed during Jordan and Tattoo's visit to Dr Emma.

The responsibility preyed on her mind lest she should forget during the heat wave, the thought of Tattoo returning to a withered plot being too awful to contemplate not to mention the additional responsibility of also having to water their vacationing neighbour's garden. So much so that she could hardly concentrate at work and raced home as fast as her already heavily endorsed license would allow to fulfil her duty.

Much hard hosing later and soaked to the skin Gobby proudly viewed her hard work and sent a text to Tattoo as she departed:

"Have watered garden. Hope you are having a good time."

She was somewhat surprised but delighted to receive an almost immediate reply. Until she actually read it that was:

"Having a fantastic time in Barton. Do not go until next week. Thanks so much, was just about to start. What a star!"

As Gobby struggled to comprehend the reality of this message Tattoo added,

"Jordan was in the front room watching telly the whole time. Not much good for security."

Gobby's one saving grace was that at least the neighbours truly were away so her only crime was stupidity and not actual trespass or vandalism.

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